
parisian indie pop at its best ...

i am going to make a conscientious effort to write more about books, music, and film. the whole transition from globe trotter and masters student to pseudo-permanent resident in a basement who commutes 2 hours a day in a tie to convince others that they need more nfl in their life and that they need to pay for it has reeked havoc on my creative input. please do not fear though as i am making serious strides (mostly for my own personal well being) at combating normalcy and ingesting heavy doses on the afore mentioned 3 creative inputs.

tonight, as my topic title alludes to, i want to talk about an awesome album that i have been listening to non stop sense burning a copy off of my favorite music tree, and that disc is phoenix's latest entitled 'wolfgang amedeus phoenix'. i had my 1st brush with this band in early 2007 while in sydney. they played the factory theater and blew the roof off the place. for me these guys were the epitome of what really good indie pop should be. fast, catchy as can be, makes you want to shake, and just for over the top hip factor these guys are from paris! after seeing them in 2007 i was in love with their album 'its never been like that' and it got significant air time during my 1st year in oz. i can totally see this album being the same way.

'wolfgang' is only 9 tracks long, but much like the band it grabs you right away and sends you into an almost carefree mindset. at various times in the album you sit there wondering where you have heard this tune from before, or you'll remember that you have heard this band before. this album will work perfectly for an early evening with friends and drinks, driving home from work, or preparing a meal for friends. hopefully most of you wont make the mistake that i did and wait a couple of months to download this album! you can get it for $5 right now off amazon ... do it.

listen and have fun with this one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my M. Dindon buddy, great minds think alike, and love alike. This is a total yes to what you've just said about my fellow citizens Phoenix. And as a Frenchman, arrogant and proud, I have to say I'm happy these guys make the world rock. Excellent ambassadors indeed.

    Hope to see you again soon, here or there.
